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Silent Counselling

Silent Counselling is a swift efficient treatment which John and I developed, tried and tested over many thousands of client sessions, to discharge the negative emotions which influence our lives.

Silent Counselling moves us from victim to choice. Even when we have no choice

regarding the trauma or event, in actual fact we always have choice as to how we deal

with this trauma or event.

The treatment does not change the past situation but removes the triggered negative emotion which is causing distress and damage.

We carry these negative emotions, such guilt, fear, resentment and despair around inside us for many years or lifetimes. 

 We may never feel that the result of the event was justified, but we do not have to suffer the physical and mental damage the negative emotions cause.

How we react or respond to situations is key to our emotional and mental welfare, even our physical health, as stress is one of the biggest killers on the planet and stress comes from fear.

Stress is a psychological reaction to an event, it is not the event itself.

It is the cumulative effect of constant or long repressed negative emotions.

The longer the unacknowledged state of mind is maintained the more damage it can do as it wears down the body-mind resistance and constantly gives out a negative life message. The repetition of negative thought patterns and attitudes such as worry, guilt, jealousy, anger, criticism, fear and so on are likely to cause us far more harm than any external situation.

In the same way that the body reflects what is happening in the mind, so the mind is then subject to the pain and discomfort being expressed in the body.

The event itself may have gone but the emotional impact can stay with us for many years and become ingrained in our bodies finally affecting us on the cellular level and so may risk our health.


Online or a one-to-one session in  Silent Counselling  which takes an hour costs £50. The number of sessions required depends upon the issue but normally a maximum of three is sufficient. 

Although I am based in Scotland, I work online worldwide.




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